Merry Christmas. Covid has moved to my chest. It's a light chest move with no lung impact, just top of the throat congestion. I still have taste and smell and can smell my mom cooking "big breakfast" downstairs. It reminds me of being a kid smelling delicious Sunday breakfast from my room when I used to sleep in until 10:30 am on a Sunday.
Some updates:
--my husband isn't mad anymore--thank goodness
--everyone in my family including my husband doesn't have any symptoms and tested negative, even niece number 3!
I have been taking a 3-hour nap during the day fueled by TheraFlu. Getting 10 hours of sleep at night, also fueled by TheraFlu.

Mom, Dad, and I have a system.
They leave stuff at the bottom of the stairs. They go away. I wear my mask and go down to the bottom of the stairs and grab food, hot water, or whatever item they've left and I go back up to my quarantine apartment. Mom gave me all disposable silverware and plates so there is no danger of them re-using my stuff. When she picks up the trash she uses a paper towel to cover her hands and washes her hands right away. I eat in the little foyer area outside my quarantine bedroom so there is no food inside the bedroom to smell, for now, while I still have my sense of smell.

We did Zoom Christmas yesterday.

I made a Zoom background that was appropriate for the day.
Email me if you want to steal it. I am happy to share. I am sure we all feel like this in some way this week. Here is what our glorious Christmas Events Looked like. We did two separate zooms. We didn't want to open gifts on the larger family Zoom because my youngest niece wouldn't have access to all her gifts from us so we played a super fun game using the Kahoot! app. Cool bro inlaw Brian created a trivia game customized for our family. It was super fun. We did a second Zoom with my bro and his family so we could all open each other's gifts.

Covid Schedule for the rest of Christmas:
1 - 4 p NAP. Thank you Theraflu Nighttime.
4:30 p Browns Game. Zoom with hubby so we are watching together--he in San Diego, me in quarantine bedroom. I will leave the bedroom door open so I can hear mom and dad cheer or yell at the

TV so it sorta feels like we are all watching together.
Halftime: Zoom open gifts with Hubby/Mom and Dad.
After the game: Dinner--honey baked ham in quarantine foyer.
Lemoncello out of Lemons:
--The BEST place to be sick is at mom's house. The care and service are top-notch.
--Time to write, time to read, time to relax.
--This seems to be a mild case of Covid, so far, so great.
--My businesses have been 100% remote for 14 years so I can still work between TheraFlu naps.
--Looks like the weather will be in the 50's this week in Ohio so if I feel up to it, I can take an isolated Covid walk to get some fresh air.
For more Christmas For Covid moments, visit my Instagram page @mandi_graziano for live updates on the quarantine bedroom and dining foyer. I am mulling over a Covid Christmas poem right now that I may post there later if I can conjure up a good rhyme. If any of you are struggling with Covid, email me anytime. I am happy to share tips and hacks that are getting me through this stupid thing. If any of you have been exposed, PLEASE, for the love of God, STAY HOME. You may not feel symptoms, but you might be carrying it and might be giving it to other people and not know it. TEST TEST TEST the day you see people (NOT THE DAY BEFORE) to be extra sure you don't have it or spread it. (remember--I tested negative at 4:30 pm on 12/23, and positive 7 am 12/24)
#theraflu #zoom #zoomchristmas #clevelandbrowns #quarentinebedroom #bakermayfield #honeybakedham #christmas #homefortheholidays #covid #covid19 #covidchristmas #cleveland #ohio