Day 4. I have a grievance to file. I went to boxing yesterday and it was wonderful. They were happy I brought the turkey chili. Class was spectacular. However, at the end of class I was told that one of my squares on the Bingo card would not count. This, my friends, was a sham. The square said "workout 5 days in a row" The square did NOT say "workout 5 days in a row at this gym" I thought the gym would want me to be healthy and happy and just workout. Surly they know a 46 year old woman with arthritis can not box 5 days in a row, right? I mean, I am probably the only person playing in this BINGO game, right? The rules should be more stacked in my favor to positively reinforce my workouts, right? I was not happy at the idea of not mastering my Bingo Card. But...I love the gym, and the people so I will go back. I did still take a picture with Pepper the dog. She is one of the squares on the Bingo card, that I will NEVER win.

I was faced with a dairy temptation yesterday at a seminar. A preset winter field green salad stared my straight in the face with a large white ball of either goat cheese or mozzarella cheese.
I couldn’t make it out. I moved the ball to the bread plate and let it stare at me as I ate the naked greens.

For dinner I had a half a turkey sandwich and some kettle chips. After dinner we watched an episode of Ted Lasso, Season 2. It's getting so good. Nate is turning into a real jerk face.
Tonight I’ll make a recipe I concocted in my brain while rolling through my neighborhood market. Butternut squash, mushrooms, onions, ground pork, roasted Brussel sprouts.
Challenge Modification: I an doing a twofer morning pages and blog post today because it’s 5:45 am and I have to leave for 6:30 am spin. When I am back I have to walk the pup take a shower and start the workday chock full of meetings. I am getting my challenge stuff in my meditating in the car on way to work. Is that cheating? You tell me.