I am still not home. My first flight back to San Diego was canceled.
Delta did an awesome job and rebooked me on a flight 3 hours later--5:25 P CLE to ATL. ATL to SAN. Boom, I was on my merry way.
I got to the airport, feeling excited to be going home and feeling frustrated about the travel cancels. There just happened to be a Vino Volo next to my gate. I sat down for a glass of wine. Three glasses of wine later, my Covid Recovery health plan was canceled.
I boarded the flight to my middle seat and overheard other travelers' stories of Covid. Someone was exposed here. Someone didn't know what they were walking into when they arrived at their destination there. Everyone on that airplane had a story of how Covid Cancelled Christmas.
The flight took off at 5:25 pm.
At 5:45 PM, the moment the airplane WiFi kicked in, I got an email from DELTA.
My flight from ATL to SAN was canceled. They tried to rebook me on a flight, the next day, 5:25 PM to San Diego. I said HELL NO. I briskly searched the "find alternate flights" button and found an earlier one for the next day. There was no getting out of Atlanta that night. Once I figured that out and alerted my loved ones, I sat back to enjoy some airplane-provided free entertainment. Even THAT was canceled. My fellow passenger's TVs all worked, mine did not.

We landed in Atlanta. The Delta desk quickly helped me reconfirm my flight for the next day, and double-check the location of my checked bags. They gave me a voucher for a free hotel room one train away. They gave me their standard "sorry we screwed up your flight again" toiletries bag which consists of a prison brush, prison toothbrush and the best lip balm I've ever had in my life. Normally, I would decline the Cancel Toiletries bag because I always carry on, and always have a spare outfit and my own toiletries in that bag. However, this time, I had to check 3 bags. YES, COUNT EM', 3 bags. 2 of the 3 bags are filled with Christmas and birthday gifts for my husband that he did not get to open while he was in Ohio because of the Vid Cancelled Christmas. Needless to say, I had to do a carry-on shuffle and cram everything into all the bags and check them all.

I got to the hotel what felt like hours later, went to the bar, had 2 more glasses of wine to further enhance the cancellation of my Covid health recovery plan. I had a chicken salad, french fries and went to bed.
I woke up with a slight wine headache, brushed my hair with the prison brush and am headed back to the airport for another try.
Lemoncello Out of Lemons:
--I made a friend at the CLE airport at Vino Volo. She is a fellow LEO, the exact same age as I am by a week. She is in sales. We kibitzed about all.the.things. She became my cancel partner in crime and drank wine with me in both airports.
Earlier yesterday before everything was canceled I made my first cancel of the day.
I canceled my registration for PCMA. I am very sad about this because it's an important industry conference to reunite with clients and industry peers. The education is spectacular and Dan Levy was speaking this year.
It's important for me to attend for two of my business lines:
1. I need to talk to people face to face about their live meetings and how we can redesign a safe Covid meeting for them.
2. I am promoting my book and public speaking service.
3. I love my industry and love my industry peers, partners and clients. Seeing them in person is meaningful to me.
Canceling my registration is a big deal and I am super sad. However, the conference is on January 9th, in Las Vegas. Getting right back on the road after having Covid, especially to Vegas is not a part of the Covid recovery plan. I don't see a way I'd be able to get 10 hours of sleep a night, restore my health, and not get sick again, in Vegas. So, I canceled.
At that moment, I didn't realize this would be the first of many cancellations that day.
Cancel Tally:
2 pm flight. CANCELLED
Covid Recovery Health plan. CANCELLED.
Free Live TV on the airplane. CANCELLED.
I am headed back to the airport now. With the exception of a cheap wine headache, I feel fine. I still am symptomless, am double-masked to protect the innocent even though the CDC says I am not contagious.
If you have Covid or know someone that does, please share this post with them. I am happy to share tips and hacks that got me healthy again. If you have Covid recovery hacks or return to normal life tips you'd like to share, send them my way. As soon as I can get home again, my recovery plan will start and I am all ears.
#covid19 #covid #travelgram #travelblogger #deltaair #delta #deltaairlines #CLE #ATL #SAN #maskup #cancel #cancelled #cancelculture #everythingiscancelled #covidcancelledchristmas #christmas #covidchristmas #vinovolo #pcma