I turned 49 a couple of weeks ago and it got me thinking, "What will I do at 50?"
--Will I have a big party?
--Will I have a midlife crisis?
--Will I sell my businesses, move to a mountain house, grow my hair so long that it covers my boobs, and only write for the next 40 years?
What does 50 look like for me?
When I sat in dark silent rooms and contemplated it, I kept going back to:
"I want to feel good, feel comfortable, and feel my best at 50. "
Best by 50 was born. BB50 for short.
It's taken me a couple of weeks to think about how I will do this and what it looks like.
I'm sharing the whole plan of attack with you now.
Why am I telling you??
I want to be held publically accountable for being my best.
I want you to ask me, "How's BB50 going?"
If you see me grabbing that 4th glass of wine I want you to shout (in your most scolding and shaming voice) BB50!
There is so much value in publically stating something you want for yourself.
When I wrote my book, I kept it secret because:
"What if I didn't finish?" "What if it sucked?" "What if it didn't get published?"
All of those What Ifs are horse pucky. They were limiting beliefs that prevented me from moving the needle on something important.
I didn't want anyone to bug me about progress because of all those nasty "What Ifs?" When I realized I needed to be bugged about progress, I made it public that I was writing a book.
That waterfalled into people constantly asking me "How's the book coming along?" and those questions were fuel to eventually, get it done, get it published, get it to be a best seller in all 5 categories on Amazon!!
I am following the same protocol for BB50.
BB50 Defined:
Pursue being and feeling my best whole self by the time I turn 50 on August 9th.
Below are the BB50 6 buckets:
Physical Health
Nutritional Health
Spiritual Health
Mental Health
Financial Health
Business Health
I committed to time with a journal and defined each health category.
What does it mean to me to be spiritually healthy?
What does it look and feel like to be physically healthy? etc with each bucket.
We'll dive deep into the definitions of each in future posts.
Breaking the big BB50 into small actions:
After defining each bucket I created 1 action per bucket to focus on for 30 days.
Each action will move the needle forward just a smidge for each category.
In sales coaching practice I like to focus on 1 Sales Tip of the Week or 1 Sales Action a Month. When you break the big goal down into digestible bites, the big results happen and it feels way less overwhelming.
The crumbs make the cookies.
People can get mired in the need for instant big results and overwhelmed by the mass of a big goal. We forget that it's the mini actions, the mini wins, the mini things that move the needle forward over a long period of time. This is what creates huge results.
That's my approach for BB50
Public Accountability Plan (PAP):
--Instagram Lives with people helping me get there along the way. (Sept 4 at 2 pm PST)
--Progress notes every 30 days of the goals/actions/results
--Tell people in conversation/email/interaction what BB50 means to me
--Share the Google doc with the plan and progress. It's right here! See for yourself!
Actions to take for the BB50 plan:
1 action per bucket per 30 days
make it visible
make it simple
tell people
journal progress
hire coaches
enlist experts who have been there
Jenny Perin: Health coach, inflammation nutrition expert, how to stay healthy while traveling educator. We'll meet once a month.
Joined Elite Executive Women program led by Dr Alessandra Wall. I don't know the frequency of the meetings yet but will learn more in September. This is a sub-community of the Noteworthy Executive Women's program. This community is all executive women mostly going through the same things I am and trying to be their best. I am excited to learn about their practical strategies and have another pack of humans to which we can mutually lift each other up.
Reunited with my favorite trainer/friend and hella funny human Chad Yarvitz at Xplicit Fitness. We'll do 2 weight and body weight training sessions a week.
Now that you know about BB50, What did I miss?
Have you done something like this for yourself?
What goals or plans do you have coming up that I can help you with?
Thanks for joining this journey with me and can't wait to see what happens next.
PS: I hate the word journey but I love alliteration. (see how cute the 2-J's are above?)
If you're in the midst of your own wellness adventure, let me know. I'd love to support you in your Best By worlds. (see how I swapped out journey for adventure)
Mandi Graziano is the best-selling author of Sales Tales: The Hustle, Humor, and Lessons from a Life in Sales. She's a fun professional speaker and sales coach to companies looking to level up their sales teams. She loves sharing her life's adventures from Coping with Covid, to Bike Vacations to 30 day challenges on her Brain Trails Blog.
#selfcare #bestby50 #bb50 #yourbestself #howtobehealthyby50 #50thbirthdayplans #50thbirthday #50thbirthdayideas #agingwell #healthyby50 #feelbetterby50 #feelyourbestat50